The imminent completion and release of the first stage lots at “The Grove” subdivision in Capel marks a significant achievement for Harley Dykstra, an exciting milestone for our client and delivers a unique product of the Capel Real Estate market.
Our client, Realgain Investments Pty Ltd, placed their confidence in Harley Dykstra back in 2011 to provide our full range of land development services.
Since that time the Harley Dykstra planning team have successfully achieved rezoning of the land including an endorsed Structure Plan that also integrates with the adjoining Shire Depot. Then, from that milestone we were able to achieve subdivision approval from the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
During the planning process our client’s brief was to retain and protect a significant stand of mature remnant vegetation. In response we have included the remnant vegetation within a Reserve for Recreation (POS) which forms a unique characteristic and focus point of difference for the subdivision. The retention of the mature trees has spawned the fitting estate name of “THE GROVE” and this aspect is illustrated by the accompanying photos.
Our client has also been generously pro-active in agreeing to over supply the POS as a strategy to maximise retention of the vegetation Grove which protects native habitat including Black Cockatoos. This initiative has been loudly praised by Environmental Consultants.
In the last twelve months our surveying team has been actively engaged in a number of aspects including a detailed Feature and Level Survey, Surround Survey and pre-calculation plan which have been provided to the consulting engineers to facilitate detailed civil design of roads, drainage and services.
From there the project has progressed to the construction phase and our survey teams have been of the ground again attending to road centrelines, lot pegging and As Constructed Surveys.
Another interesting aspect of “THE GROVE” development is its interface with the Shire Depot (which is Crown Land) and in particular the need for the Depot land to provide a 4.4 metre strip of land for future road reserve purposes in Stage two. The situation was further complicated by the existence of a Memorial over the Depot land in relation to a potential contaminated site. In order to drive this lengthy Crown process the Harley Dykstra consulting team has been working with the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER), the State Department of Lands and the Shire of Capel to reach an agreement on the excision and work through the Crown process that will ultimately result in our client being able to purchase the 4.4 metre strip of Depot Land from the Crown.
Harley Dykstra now looks forward to the final phase of stage one which will be covered by future updates.